
There's something for everyone on Sundays!


Club 21:16- Grades K to 6    

Keep an eye out on our main page for our weekly lesson and verse!


 (Christ Loves Us Because, Matthew 21:16, “out of the mouths of children and infants you have ordained praise”)
After joining families for worship in the sanctuary, children in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade will be dismissed to our Family Life Center for CLUB 21:16.

CLUB 21:16 will emphasize 3 basic truths:
 I need to make the right choice
 I can trust God no matter what 
 I should treat others the way I should be treated
Each basic truth is amplified by a weekly key concept, which includes Bible stories and is based on a monthly core virtue and memory verse.


Our Sunday Nights focus on our Christmas play.. We will be having practice each Sunday night, so if you are a part of the play, make sure you are there!!

Rainbows- Ages 3 to 5

Rainbows Sunday School uses a unique approach designed to give preschool children a first impression of their loving heavenly Father. Taught during both Sunday Morning Services, it helps a child by age five believe:
   God made me
   God loves me
   Jesus wants to be my friend forever

Both enjoyable and exciting, our worship and Bible lessons engage all 5 senses in order to reach every child with the love of Christ.

Nursery- Ages newborn to 3

Our Purpose
To help each child:
Feel comfortable, happy, loved and secure.

Begin to associate God with feelings of love and happiness.
Want to talk and pray with God in a child-like way and feel that Jesus loves him/her and others.
Think of the Bible as God's special book; become familiar with it; and enjoy the Bible stories related to his/her experiences.

We provide loving care and a safe, sanitary environment for our children. Our “well baby” nursery is available Sunday 9 & 11 AM & 6:30 PM during Evening Services.

We have a "parental Cooperative Nursery." If you have a nursery age baby and are a regular attendee, we ask that you help with nursery duties at least once per month. There is a monthly sign-up sheet on the bulletin board, or see our nursery coordinators.

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