We are BACK!

We cannot believe the weekend went SO fast! We experienced some amazing times at Winter Breakaway! We learned about compassion, and that we can only be compassionate kids if we have a passion to reach our friends, family, and the world. We realized that we are so blessed and we take so much for granted in our lives, and many around the world have so little, yet are thankful for what they have. We had great times of worship, learning a new song about how nothing is impossible with God. Kids prayed for kids at the alters and some gave their lives to Jesus for the first time! Praise God for a fantastic weekend!

ps. Thank you chaperones for giving your time and investing in the lives of our children. We are so thankful for you.

[And we can see its a tiring job!! haha]

A camp favorite! It really helps past the time while waiting in lines.


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