This week at KIDFEST!

Reminder: We will NOT be having KIDFEST! tonight due to the business meeting! See you next week!

Club 21:16: Firm Foundations

More Power To You

Omnipotent- Almighty, Having all power and authority. 

Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:5 NIV

God's omnipotent and He rules!

This week at KIDFEST!

Tonight.. don't worry about matching your clothes.. the more patterns, the better! Scarves, hats, crazy socks, different shoes.. Make it CRAZY!

Wednesday, January 23
7:00 PM

Club 21:16: Firm Foundations

"Know" Secret to God

Omniscient- All knowing. 

God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. 1 John 3:20

God is omniscient- He's knows it all!

This week at KIDFEST!

Wednesday, January 16
Spike it, color it, make it crazy!

Club 21:16: Firm Foundations

Where Aren't You?

Omnipresent- Always present. 

Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24 (NLT)

God is omnipresent- He's always here!

This week at KIDFEST!

Wednesday, January 9
Wear your pajamas to KIDFEST! 
Please make sure they are appropriate!

Club 21:16: Firm Foundations

 God's Handiwork- God is the creator

Creator- One who makes something from nothing. 

For by Him, all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth.
Colossians 1:16 (NKJV)

God, the creator, speaks things into existence.

2013 Kids Breakaway

Cost: $106; $10 optional T-shirt
Registration, along with a $30 deposit, is due by January 27, 2013

Why send your child to Breakaway?
- Breakaway is a life-changing weekend for children.
- They will get a full dose of what it means to be "Missions Minded."
- 2 day away with no TV, no iPods, no video games.. Just JESUS!
- An opportunity to grow relationships with friends and mentors. 
- Kids need a break, too!

Scholarships are desperately needed. If you feel a tug on your heart to help a child go to breakaway, please see Miss Mo or stop by the church office. 

Reminder: No children's ministries tonight.

Please remember that there will be no children's activities tonight, Wednesday, January 2. However, everyone is invited in the sanctuary for a worship night! Parent; you must take oversight of your children in the sanctuary. There will not be any leaders in place to watch them. Thank you!

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