Check Out That Star!!!

Our 2012 Christmas Production, Check Out That Star!, will have two showtimes:
- Saturday, December 8 at 6:00 PM (followed by a Christmas social)
- Sunday, December 9 at 11:00 AM

The kids have been practicing for months just for YOU! Invite a friend, and watch as our children share the Christmas story with you.

No Kidfest! or other children's ministries tonight!

Due to the holiday, there will be no children's ministries tonight, Wednesday, November 21. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Enjoy the time with your family and friends!!

Christmas Play Practice


We will have play practice EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT until the Christmas Play. We will also be having a dress rehearsal Friday, December 7.

Christmas Production

Our 2012 Christmas Production, Check Out That Star!, will have two showtimes:
- Saturday, December 8 at 6:00 PM (followed by a Christmas social)
- Sunday, December 9 at 11:00 AM

The kids have been practicing for months just for YOU! Invite a friend, and watch as our children share the Christmas story with you.

Operation Christmas Child Update

We are pleased to say that our congregation brought in 99 shoe boxes full of gifts for needy children around the world! These gifts were filled with toys, candy, hygiene products, and school supplies! What a blessing to so many!! We give the Lord praise for this awesome turnout! Thank you to everyone to participated.

Pictured is the Glickert family: Don & Noelle, and their children Audrey, Lauren, Charles, & Brady. Noelle is our coordinator for Operation Christmas Child.

I'm thankful! Are you?

..Sunday mornings at Club 21:16..

We are starting a new series called "GIVE THX! :)" and it will last the WHOLE month of November!! Join us on Sunday morning at 9am or 11am!

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