The new school year is starting.. this means its time to promote our children from one class to another!
Wednesday Nights:
We'd like to welcome our new 3rd graders into Kidfest! This is an exciting, fun place where kids can be themselves, learn about Jesus, and have tons of fun! KIDFEST! meets in the sanctuary!
Rainbows (ages 3-5) meet in room 7, Daisies (kindergarten girls) meet in the infant side of the nursery, Prims (1st grade girls) meet in room 9, and Royal Rangers (1st-3rd grade boys) meet in rooms 3, 4, &5. Our staffed nursery is available for babies (ages birth-2).
Sunday Mornings:
Kids in grades kindergarten through 6 are able to worship with their families upstairs in the sanctuary at both the 9 & 11am services. From there, they are dismissed to the FLC for Club 21:16.