This week at Club 21:16...

The Beginning of the End

 Isaiah 3:1-13; 14:1-5; 48:8-9; 53:1-6

When it is time to save you, I will help you. I will keep you safe.  Isaiah 49:8 NIRV

God doesn't give up on His people. God won't give up on me.

Join us next week as "The Story" continues...

MEGA Sports Camp 2012!

 June 25-29

Who is excited about MEGA Sports Camp 2012?! 

We know we are!

This year is going to be awesome; we are going to have NEW sports to choose from!

This year, we are offering:
- Basketball 
- Soccer
- Punt, pass, & kick 
- Drama
- Cheerleading
- (and for the preschoolers) Mini-Olympics

Tell a friend about this week-long, free sports camp for ages 3-12! 

This week at Club 21:16...

God's Messengers

1 Kings 17:1-6; 18:1-2; 17-18

[Elijah said,] "I will serve the Lord. He is the God of Israel."   1 Kings 17:1 NIRV

God encouraged Elijah in hard times. He encourages me.

Join us next week as The Story continues...

Kids Fun Arts

Kids Fun Arts is coming up on May 19! Registration begins at 8:30 am and service starts at 9 am! 

If anyone would like to come and watch our children use their gifts and talents to glorify the Lord, you are more than welcome to attend!

2012 Kids Camp

Power Factory: Empowering Kids for Life
July 16-20
Cost: $187 /child
$50 deposit due on May 30th!

This week at Club 21:16...

A Kingdom Torn in Two

1 Kings 11:4-6, 12:1-33; 14:22-23; 26-28; 15:11-14; 16-24

Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.
1 Kings 15:11 NIRV

God uses bad things to teach His people. I can learn from mistakes.

Join us next week as The Story continues...

This week at Club 21:16...

The King Who Had It All

1 Kings 3:1-15; 4:29-34; 2 Chronicles 9:1-9

Don't be wise in your own eyes. Have respect for the Lord. Proverbs 3:7 NIRV

God made Solomon a wise leader. God can make me wise, too.

Join us next week as The Story continues...


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