Children's Ministry Serving Opportunities

Remember: You must have your clearances to serve in Children's Ministry. If you do not have your clearances, but desire to serve in Children's Ministry, please stop by the church office for the forms.

If you are interested in serving, please contact Pastor Mo at 570-459-2410.

This week at Club 21:16...


Exodus 1:1-2:10; 12:31; 13:21-22

Moses answered the people. He said, "Don't be afraid. Stand firm. You will see how the Lord will save you today."
                                            Exodus 14:13, NIRV

God watched over Moses and His people. God watches over me, too.

This week at Club 21:16...

Joseph: From Slavery to Success

Genesis 37:1-36, 39:1-23, 41:1-45
Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Do you think I'm God? You planned to harm me. But God planned it for good. He planned to do what is now being done. He wanted to save many lives.
                                                                                          Genesis 50:19-20, NIRV
God worked things out for Joseph's good. God knows what's good for me.
Join us next week for "Deliverance" as The Story continues...

Last Week at Club 21:16...

God Builds A Nation


Genesis 1:21- 15:21

(God said,) "I will give you all of the land that you see. I will give it to you and your children after you forever. I will make your children like the dust of the earth."
                                        Genesis 13:15-16, NIRV

Abraham trusted God and obeyed. I can trust God, too.

Join us next week for "Joseph: From Slavery to Success" as
The Story continues...

Hey KIDFEST! kids...

Have you heard any rumors about the year 2012?

Every day you hear or see things that make you wonder if it’s the truth or not.
Sometimes, the truth and a lie can even look the same.

Well, lets get together and figure out whether the stuff we may be hearing is... FACT OR FICTION !!!!

This Wednesday, January 25 at 7:00 pm!

Last Sunday at Club 21:16...

The Beginning of Life as We Know It

Genesis 1:1- 3:24
So God created man in His own likeness. He created him in the likeness of God. He created them as male and female.
                                                              Genesis 1:27 NIRV

God made everything there is. God made me to know Him.

Join us next week for "God Builds a Nation" as The Story continues...

The Story

** Starting this week, Club 21:16 will be joining the church as we start The Story.

We will be learning more about
a God of grace..
a God who speaks..
a God who acts..
a God who listens..
a God whose love for us was shown by the sacrifice of His only son, Jesus.

We will learn about the greatest "story" ever told!!!

Parents, please be sure to check out the take home papers that will follow the lessons your child is learning.


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