Mark this down- you won't wanna miss it!

APRIL 2:The N.E. Section Children's Ministry Leadership Training is HERE! Take the opportunity to learn and be blessed with a full day [10am to 5pm] of teachings and, of course, lunch! Sign up for this great day!

APRIL 10: Egg Stuffing Party! Join us in the FLC after 2nd service to stuff some eggs and hang out with some friends. We can promise you will NOT be bored at this party! We need you!

APRIL 16: Easter EGGstravaganza!!! Its from 10am - 12pm. Don't miss the awesome prizes, face-painting, giant inflatable slide, and of course, TEN THOUSAND FILLED EASTER EGGS! Bring a friend because, hey, who can resist that many Easter eggs??

MAY 13-15: Kid's Fun Arts in Harrisburg, PA. This is an amazing opportunity for children to express their love for Christ through worship and their God given gifts. They will be encouraged and challenged by adults who want to lift each child up and watch them grow into their talents, so they can use them to glorify God. What could be better? Sign up today!!

JUNE 20-24: MEGA Sports Camp! Start telling your neighbors, your friends, your friend's friends, your neighbor's friends, your friend's neighbors, and anyone else you can think of that MEGA Sports Camp is coming! Its a week long and its FREE for children ages 3 to 12. Are you excited? WE ARE!

JULY 11-15: 2011 Kids Camp- "KINGDOM ADVENTURES! Keepers of the Cross". This will be a life-changing week surrounded by the Word of God and tons of fun too! The cost is $182.


Attention 3rd – 6th graders!!
The Bible says all creation worships. For
the next four weeks, this series will take us on a kid-led journey with
Marcus and Connor. They’ll ask four significant questions about worship.
Who worships? What’s Worship? How’s Worship? And Why Worship?
Each week will take us a little deeper into our understanding of worship and how it relates to
our lives. Come to KIDFEST! Wednesday Nights @ 7 to discover this along with us!!

We are BACK!

We cannot believe the weekend went SO fast! We experienced some amazing times at Winter Breakaway! We learned about compassion, and that we can only be compassionate kids if we have a passion to reach our friends, family, and the world. We realized that we are so blessed and we take so much for granted in our lives, and many around the world have so little, yet are thankful for what they have. We had great times of worship, learning a new song about how nothing is impossible with God. Kids prayed for kids at the alters and some gave their lives to Jesus for the first time! Praise God for a fantastic weekend!

ps. Thank you chaperones for giving your time and investing in the lives of our children. We are so thankful for you.

[And we can see its a tiring job!! haha]

A camp favorite! It really helps past the time while waiting in lines.

We're going to camp!!

This Friday, March 11, we are going to hit the road for WINTER BREAKAWAY! We are bringing over 50 people to camp for a great weekend!! Please pray for us as we learn about being compassionate and reaching outside of our own world to others in need!

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