Last Sunday at Club 21:16

Bible Story: Bessie's Story in a Stable!  Luke Chapter 2

Memory Verse: “Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the
life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Catch of the Day: Jesus Came to Help Us

Kidfest Christmas Party!!

Merry Christmas Kidfest kids!!
Let's celebrate with a PARTY this Wednesday night at 7 pm!

Make sure you bring a friend!!

Serving Opportunity!

We have an amazing Bus Ministry opportunity
that may be for YOU!
We are looking for an assertive adult who has the call to sreve the children of our city who need our help geting to church as THE BUS MONITOR!!

You must be able to maintain order of up to 30 children on the bus while they are being transported, communicate effectively, and have completed our children's ministry clearance process.

Please see Miss Mo if you are interested.

Last Sunday at Club 21:16...

Bible Story: An angel visti and spotlights! (Matthew 1:18-25)

Memory Verse: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Catch of the Day: God's got a plan for me and ITS ALL GOOD!
We would just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone on behalf of the Christmas production
"The Great Christmas Giveaway"!!

Thank you to all of the children in the play.. your hard work and commitment to this production made this year's play great! I'm so proud of you!

Thank you to all of the adult helpers.. it would be impossible to do this without the team we had! You are all amazing people!

Thank you to everyone who came to see the play! The kids worked so hard, just for YOU! It means the world to them that you were there.

And finally, thank you to the parents, who were committed to bringing their children to practices and helping them at home! It really does make all of the difference!
KIDFEST!- Grades 3 to 6

This Wednesday Night!

We are rolling out the red carpet just for you!!
3rd- 6th graders are invited to join us for the sneak peek of the
2011 Kingdom Kids Christmas Production:

BGMC Sunday

Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge!!

Many of our Assemblies of God missionaries were called to be missionaries while they were kids just like you?! God wants you to keep your heart open to His call.

Parents, BGMC is more than a giving program; its also a missions education program.

BGMC is equipping kids like yours to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. Through BGMC, they'll learn about countries, people groups, and missionaries. They also learn about the lost and how important it is to be a witness.

No Wednesday Night Activities

Have a fun holiday with your family!!!

See you next week!

Week 8

Follow 4:Kidz!!

Bible Memory Verse: "But seek first His kingdom and His rightroudness, and all these things will be given you as well." Matthew 6:33

Bible Story: Matthew 6:19-21 Treasures in Heaven

Catch of the Day: Worship God with your whole life!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Week 7

Follow 4:Kidz!!

Bible Memory Verse: ―This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.‘ Matthew 6:9-13

Bible Story: Matthew 6:9-13 The Lord‘s Prayer

Catch of the Day: Prayer is Powerful!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Week 6

Follow 4:Kidz!!

Bible Memory Verse: “Jesus replied:
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind… and… love your neighbor as
yourself.'” Matthew 22:37-39

Bible Story: Matthew 9:9-13 Jesus Calls Matthew, the Tax

Catch of the Day: Love like Jesus loves!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Week 5

Follow 4:Kidz!!

Bible Memory Verse: "Therefore go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Bible Story: Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light.

Catch of the Day: It's not about me!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Light in the Night

We are SO excited about Light in the Night!
If you are looking for a family-friendly, well-lit environment to stop by while you're Trick-or-Treating, stop by Light in the Night! We will have tons of fun for the kids- including a petting zoo, games, and crafts. And of course, we will have CANDY! We cannot wait to shine for Jesus in Hazleton this Halloween.

Here are all of the details!
WHAT: Light in the Night
WHEN: October 30 from 6-8pm
WHERE: James Street Playground, Hazleton, PA
WHO: Everyone's welcome!!
WHY: Because we love our community!

If you have any questions, feel free to call us, 570-459-2410, or email us,

Week 4

Follow 4:Kidz!!

Bible Memory Verse: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

Bible Story: Matthew 8:1-4 Jesus heals the leper. "I am willing."

Catch of the Day: When Jesus is around, anything's possible!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Week 3

Follow 4:Kidz!!

Bible Memory Verse: ―Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them
into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.‖ Matthew 7:24

Bible Story: Matthew 7:24-27 The wise and foolish builders

Catch of the Day: Practice What Jesus Preached!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Week 2

Follow 4:Kidz!!

This week we learned about hanging out with Jesus! Remember to talk to your parents.. We are all learning the same thing! You can talk around the dinner table or in the car. Give it a shot!

...and remember... Following Jesus changes EVERYTHING!

Follow 4:Kidz

Next week, Club 21:16 will be joining the church as we start Follow 4:Kidz!!

Dear parents-

Follow is going to be a family you are learning what it means to be a disciple of Christ- you can disciple your children.

Please looks for the parent letter next week on the back of your child's first fishbowl devotion (a weekly resource to strengthen ytour family).

Together, you will learn that "Following Jesus changes everything!!"

-Miss Mo

Kids Choice Awatds: Week 3

Life is full of choices. Most of the time, there are two options; the right choice and the wrong choice.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 that God has given us a choice between life and death, blessings or curses. I think it it obvious which choice we would make in those two senarios.

However, many times kids are faced with choices that aren't so easy.

Join Club 21:16 as we present a four week series- KIDS CHOICE AWARDS!

Week 3: You have a choice to forgive.
Lesson: Acts 2:4
Memory Verse: "Today I have given you a choice between life and death, between blessings and curses... choose life so that you may live." Deuteronomy 30:19

Kids Choice Awards: Week 2

Life is full of choices. Most of the time, there are two options; the right choice and the wrong choice.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 that God has given us a choice between life and death, blessings or curses. I think it it obvious which choice we would make in those two senarios.

However, many times kids are faced with choices that aren't so easy.

Join Club 21:16 as we present a four week series- KIDS CHOICE AWARDS!

Week 2: You have a choice to fight.
Lesson: Peter the Protector ~ John 18:10-11
Memory Verse: "Today I have given you a choice between life and death, between blessings and curses... choose life so that you may live." Deuteronomy 30:19


WOW KIDS! Its a new school year already! Can you believe it? We can't!

We were so excited to announce your promotions yesterday at church...
...Rainbows to Club 21:16...
...Daisies to Prims...
...Prims to Kidfest!...
...Royal Rangers to Kidfest!...
...Club 21:16/ Kidfest! to CrossOver Youth...

Each of you is growing more and more each day and we are excited to see what God has in store for your lives!

Have a great time in your new classes this year!

Kids Choice Awards

Life is full of choices. Most of the time, there are two options; the right choice and the wrong choice.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 that God has given us a choice between life and death, blessings or curses. I think it it obvious which choice we would make in those two senarios.

However, many times kids are faced with choices that aren't so easy.

Join Club 21:16 as we present a four week series- KIDS CHOICE AWARDS!

Week 1: You have a choice to believe.
Lesson: Peter's proclamation & plunge, Matthew 16:13-20, 14:22-33
Memory Verse: "Today I have given you a choice between life and death, between blessings and curses... choose life so that you may live." Deuteronomy 30:19


Join us for our LAST week of Wild Water Adventures! Don't forget to invite your friends... It's going to be a SPLASH!!

Wednesday Night, August 17 @ 7pm!

Overcomers: Week 6

Sunday Mornings: Grades K-6

We are continuing our series Overcomers: a look at the life of Joshua!
Week 6: Overcomers seek God first!
Bible Story: Joshua 9
Memory Verse: "If you search for Him with all your heart and soul you will find Him." Deuteronomy 4:29

Overcomers: Week 5

Sunday Mornings: Grades K-6

We are continuing our series Overcomers: a look at the life of Joshua!
Week 5: Overcomers bounce back.
Bible Story: Joshua 7 & 8
Memory Verse: Psalms 37:24- If we stumble, we are not down for long; God has a grip on our hand.

RTB 2011 Schedule!

Rockin' the Block 2011

August 8-12

Monday, August 8 ... 5th Street Playground

Tuesday, August 9 ... Beech Street Playground

Wednesday, August 10 ... James Street Playground

Thursday, August 11 ... Hazleton Apartments

Friday, August 12 ... Pine Street Playground

Merry Christmas!...Wait? ALREADY?!


Christmas play auditions will be on
September 11th at 6pm!

YES.. it is beginning already!
Please mark your calendars!

Overcomers: Week 4

Sunday Mornings: Grades K-6

We are continuing our series Overcomers: a look at the life of Joshua!
Week 3: Overcomers knock down walls.
Bible Story: Joshua 5 & 6
Memory Verse: By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for even days. Hebrews 11:30

Overcomers: Week 3

Sunday Mornings: Grades K-6

We are continuing our series Overcomers: a look at the life of Joshua!
Week 3: Overcomers never quit.
Bible Story:
Memory Verse:

Wild Water Adventures!

The tides are rising in KIDFEST!

July 20 July 27 August 3

Invite your friends to Wild Water Adventures!

Overcomers: Week 2

Sunday Mornings: Grades K-6

We are continuing our series Overcomers: a look at the life of Joshua!
Week 2: Overcomers look toward the future.
Bible Story: Joshua 2
Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

3rd - 6th graders!!

Are you ready to celebrate our country's independence?

Isn't it awesome that we can celebrate our FREEDOM!? Freedom isn't everywhere. There are many people around the world who are not free in their own country.

But there is a freedom that everyone who believes in Jesus!

Invite your friends to our 4th of July party on July 6th @ 7pm!
It's going to be a BLAST!

Overcomers: Week 1

Sunday Mornings: Grades K-6

Last Sunday, we began our new series Overcomers: a look at the life of Joshua!
Week 1: Overcomers are not afraid.
Bible Story: Joshua Takes the Lead- Joshua 1:1-18
Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."


One of our KIDFEST! kids, Summer Paisley, along with several others returned from their missions trip to Mexico last week. We have heard amazing stories of God working on the lives of not only the people they went to serve, but on the workers themselves.

Our team told of stories of ministering to orphans and said that these children know that they do not have to feel like orphans because they are all in the family of God and are His children. How awesome!

We also have heard of great stories of divine opportunities that the Lord allowed the team to have as they were in Mexico. We give God praise for it all!

Summer said about her trip, "I'm so happy that God picked me to go to Mexico."

Wild Water Adventures


Keep an eye out for
starting on July 20!

This summer at KIDFEST!

Wednesday Nights- Grades 3-6

KIDFEST! series invites 3rd thru 6th graders on a mission to discover the path God has planned for each of our lives to bring glory to Him. Learn how we can live for the glory of God instead of for ourselves.

And keep an eye out for more FUN & EXCITING events coming up just for YOU!

Do you want to be on TV!?!

Well, here's your shot!
WNEP Good Morning Pennsylvania will be here at Faith Assembly for a taping on Wednesday, May 25 at 12 noon. The focus will be on Rockin' the Block!

Join us at the church as we highlight all of the main areas of Rockin' the Block for Good Morning Pennsylvania!

Family Action Agents Weekend!

Hey Parents!

No one has the potential to influence a child or student than a parent. What if church leaders AND parents synchronized their efforts to fuel wonder, discovery, and passion to the next generation?
By combining the critical influences of the light of the church and the love of the family, we can show a generation who God is more effectively than EITHER of us could do alone.
God had ordained YOU [the parent] to be the spiritual leader of your children. Family Action Agents Weekend is designed to get families together and encourage parents by showing them they CAN BE that spiritual leader.
It is an event in which you need to be inviting your neighbors and friends to. It is a friendly, warm, fun environment that will excite new families and show that that GOD IS NOT A BORING GOD, but a GREAT GOD who wants us to draw close to Him. DON'T MISS OUT!

Families will be competing for a fantastic prize!

The point allocations for Family Action Agents are:

* Family Poster- 4000 points- make a cool Family Action Agents Poster together and bring it to church this Wednesday, May 11.
* Family Poster Posted- 5000 points- take approved poster and hang it in the community.
* Family Attendance- 4000 points per night- bring the whole crew [all that live at home]. NOTE: Partial family attendance- 2000 points per night.
* Family Bringing a New Family- 8000 points- bring a whole new family for tons of points.
* Bring One Person- 1000 points- bring a friend along with you.
* Wacky Hat Friday- 3000 points- have the whole family wear wacky hats on our first night.
* Sleepy Saturday- 3000 points- wear APPROPRIATE pj's [please: NO cami's for girls, NO boxers for boys] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be appropriate! Thank you!
* Seeing Red Sunday- 3000 points- dress the family all in red on Sunday morning.

Join us at
Faith Assembly of God
34 Fox Manor Road
Hazle Township, PA 18202
for a FUN-FILLED, family
experience like never before, AND ITS FREE!
You won't want to miss this!

To learn more about this exciting experience, please contact us: phone: (570) 459-2410 OR email: or OR
...stop by and see us! The office is open Monday through Thursday each week!

Mark this down- you won't wanna miss it!

APRIL 2:The N.E. Section Children's Ministry Leadership Training is HERE! Take the opportunity to learn and be blessed with a full day [10am to 5pm] of teachings and, of course, lunch! Sign up for this great day!

APRIL 10: Egg Stuffing Party! Join us in the FLC after 2nd service to stuff some eggs and hang out with some friends. We can promise you will NOT be bored at this party! We need you!

APRIL 16: Easter EGGstravaganza!!! Its from 10am - 12pm. Don't miss the awesome prizes, face-painting, giant inflatable slide, and of course, TEN THOUSAND FILLED EASTER EGGS! Bring a friend because, hey, who can resist that many Easter eggs??

MAY 13-15: Kid's Fun Arts in Harrisburg, PA. This is an amazing opportunity for children to express their love for Christ through worship and their God given gifts. They will be encouraged and challenged by adults who want to lift each child up and watch them grow into their talents, so they can use them to glorify God. What could be better? Sign up today!!

JUNE 20-24: MEGA Sports Camp! Start telling your neighbors, your friends, your friend's friends, your neighbor's friends, your friend's neighbors, and anyone else you can think of that MEGA Sports Camp is coming! Its a week long and its FREE for children ages 3 to 12. Are you excited? WE ARE!

JULY 11-15: 2011 Kids Camp- "KINGDOM ADVENTURES! Keepers of the Cross". This will be a life-changing week surrounded by the Word of God and tons of fun too! The cost is $182.

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