January 2011


Hey kids...

Don't miss Club 21:16 on Sunday mornings!!

December 2010

The Virtue of the Month is: Joy
Finding a way to be happy, even when things don't go your way.

This month, we will learn:
*You can have joy because God keeps His promises.
*You can have joy because anything is possible with God.
*You can have joy because God sent His Son.
*You can have joy because God has a plan to make things right.

Memory Verse: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!.” Philippians 4:4, NIV
Bottom Line: You can have joy because God keeps His promises.


Our kids have been working hard for months.. Come see their play, THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!!!

2 Showings:
Saturday, December 4 at 6pm! (Followed by a Christmas Party!)
Sunday, December 5 at 11am!

November 2010

The Virtue of the Month is: Uniqueness
Learning more about others so you can know more about yourself.

This month, we will learn:*God made everybody different.
*God made everybody a somebody.
*God can use anybody to share His message.
*God gave everybody special abilities.

Memory Verse: "There are different kinds of gifts. But they are all given by the same Spirit." 1 Corinthians 12:4 NIrV
Bottom Line: God made everybody different.

Light in the Night!

Sunday, October 31st from 6-9pm

Be sure to stop by James Street Playground with your friends!! There will be games, and candy, crafts, and candy, snacks, and candy, and of course [we may have forgotten to mention] CANDY!

So lets recap:
WHAT: Light in the Night block party
WHERE: James Street Playground, Hazleton, PA
WHO: YOU!! and your friends and family!
WHEN: October 31 from 6-9 pm
HOW: Just walk over with a parent! Don't forget your friends!

October 2010

The Virtue of the Month is: Initiative
Seeing what needs to be done and doing it.

This month, we will learn:
*When there's a job to be done, first you have to see it.
*When there's a job to be done, don't wait for someone else to do it.
*When there are people in need, don't wait for someone else to help them.
*When you've done what YOU can do, trust God to do what He can do.

Memory Verse: "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." Phillipians 2:4, NIV
Bottom Line: When there's a job to be done, first you have to see it.

Who's Ready for CHRISTMAS!?

Can you believe we're talking about Christmas ALREADY?!

We are so excited about our Christmas 2010 program:
The BEST Christmas Present EVER!

Rehearsal Schedule:
* Sunday September 19th- 6:00 pm
* Sunday September 26th- 6:00 pm

* Sunday October 3rd- 6:00 pm
* Wednesday October 6th- 7:00 pm (Sectional Rehearsal)
* Wednesday October 20th- 7:00 pm (Sectional Rehearsal)
* Sunday October 24th- 6:00 pm
* Sunday October 31st- 4:00 - 6:00 pm

* Sunday November 7th- 6:00 pm
* Sunday November 14th- 6:00 pm
* Sunday November 21st 6:00 pm
* Sunday November 28th- 6:00 pm

* Friday December 3rd- Dress Rehearsal!- 6:00 pm

* Saturday December 4th- Performance!- 6:00 pm
* Sunday December 5th- One Service Performance!- time TBA

Lets make this the BEST christmas program EVER!

September 2010

The Virtue of the Month is: Respect
Showing others they are important by what you say and do.

This month, we will learn:
*You respect God when you show respect for people in charge.
*You can show respect with your actions.
*You can show respect with your words.
*Show respect to God because He's in charge of everything.

Memory Verse: “Show proper respect to everyone.” 1 Peter 2:17, NIV
Bottom Line: You respect God when you show respect for people in charge.

Late Nite Game Nite


You're invited to our LATE NITE GAME NITE this FRIDAY!
You're not gonna want to miss this!

Where: Faith AG's Family Life Center
When: Friday, August 27th @ 6pm
Cost: A snack to share

See you Friday!

Summer Camp was awesome!

Sarah Galade
Age 11

"Summer Camp 2010. A blast, the bomb, tons of fun, etc. We did a lot of fun things, such as the water slide, tubing, and the swimming pool. But my favorite part of camp was the services.

They were packed with games, puppets, worship, a sermon, and at the end of every night, a time to just pray. You could talk to God about anything you want and just listen to what He has to say. It's amazing what he'll say to you if you just take the time to listen.

One night we did a lesson on baptism of the Holy Spirit. The pastor told us to just ask God for it and if it is God's plan, He will give it to you.

I asked God and then I just worshipped Him and I received it!

Camp is awesome! Anyone who gets the chance should totally go!”

August 2010

The Virtue of the Month is: Peace
Proving that you care more about others than winning an argument.

This month, we will learn:
*The best way to stop a fight is never to start one.
*Making peace doesn't make you weak.
*It's better to let go than to get even.
*Just because you didn't start a fight doesn't mean you can't stop it.

Memory Verse: “So let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build each other up.” Romans 14:19, NIrV
Bottom Line: The best way to stop a fight is never to start one.

We're at Summer Camp!

We are so excited to be at camp! We are expecting a great time of fun, praise, and growing together! It is going to be a great week and we thank the Lord for it!

Please be in prayer for all of the kids here at Summer Camp 2010- Soul Survivor!
See you in a week! =)

July 2010

What in the World Are You Doing? Part 2

The Virtue of the Month is: Service
Lending a hand to help someone else.

We will discuss these questions together:
What in the world are you doing that's more than you have to do?
What in the world are you doing to help someone others won't help?
What in the world are you doing to put others first?
What in the world are you doing that only God knows?

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