Follow 4:Kidz

Next week, Club 21:16 will be joining the church as we start Follow 4:Kidz!!

Dear parents-

Follow is going to be a family you are learning what it means to be a disciple of Christ- you can disciple your children.

Please looks for the parent letter next week on the back of your child's first fishbowl devotion (a weekly resource to strengthen ytour family).

Together, you will learn that "Following Jesus changes everything!!"

-Miss Mo

Kids Choice Awatds: Week 3

Life is full of choices. Most of the time, there are two options; the right choice and the wrong choice.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 that God has given us a choice between life and death, blessings or curses. I think it it obvious which choice we would make in those two senarios.

However, many times kids are faced with choices that aren't so easy.

Join Club 21:16 as we present a four week series- KIDS CHOICE AWARDS!

Week 3: You have a choice to forgive.
Lesson: Acts 2:4
Memory Verse: "Today I have given you a choice between life and death, between blessings and curses... choose life so that you may live." Deuteronomy 30:19

Kids Choice Awards: Week 2

Life is full of choices. Most of the time, there are two options; the right choice and the wrong choice.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 that God has given us a choice between life and death, blessings or curses. I think it it obvious which choice we would make in those two senarios.

However, many times kids are faced with choices that aren't so easy.

Join Club 21:16 as we present a four week series- KIDS CHOICE AWARDS!

Week 2: You have a choice to fight.
Lesson: Peter the Protector ~ John 18:10-11
Memory Verse: "Today I have given you a choice between life and death, between blessings and curses... choose life so that you may live." Deuteronomy 30:19

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